Al Hutaib - The only village that never rains || Yeamen || 2020/evergreen place

                                 Al Hutaib


No Rain

There are innumerable songs, poems, and rhymes about rain. It's hard to find people who don't like to get wet in the rain. There is a place in the world where there has never been such a feeling because there has never been raining.

Al hutaib is a densely populated but rain-free place in Yemen. Rain is one of nature's unique blessings. Nature is so beautiful because it rains.

. The forest is full of greenery, and it rains even in the desert. Although there is no rain in the town of Al hutaib, it is a desert. Surprisingly, there are human settlements here, there are beautiful houses and installations. The reason for this adverse behavior of nature is nothing more, the height of the gram from the plane is about 3200 meters above. Due to this height, it does not rain here, as normal rain clouds accumulate above 2000 meters. So the rain that falls on the clouds fall down under al hutaib. However, the residents do not have a headache with the lack of rain. They have survived for ages adapting to natural conditions.

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Al Hutaib - The only village that never rains/ DICTINARY OF MAHADI 

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