Pygmy Nation's Lifestyle| Congo forest| Survival knowledge 2020| Wild Life||Smallest Man and Civillization
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This pygmy nation is a mixture of different races and cultures. Pygmy is the different civilization of Africa continent. Pygmy civilization is no longer in the throes of victimization, sister murder and violence but yet there also live some pygmy in the deep forest of Congo to fights with hostile nature.
But they are introduce near civilization as a sister man. They are the only smallest people in human civilization. Naturally the pygmy word meaning is ‘‘small size ‘’or ‘’ up to elbow’’. This pygmy word comes from French language. But this civilization doesn’t know no they are named pygmy to modern civilization. Even they don't know about the meaning of pygmy. Usually they called to their by the word of 'ba'. The meaning of 'ba' is man. A few numbers of tribes our lives in Congo, Cameroon, and their Gabon's forest.
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They also live in Philippine, Andaman Islands and New Guinea but this number is so low.
Nowadays in the world there have only one lacks pygmy. From this 30000 or 40000 our lives in Congo forest. Naturally they are not violent. There have no war in their dictionary I mean they don't like conflict or violence.
They also don't conflict or violence in there selves. They expose their prayer happiness and sorrow by dancing. Interesting thing is they accept their all kinds of situation buy drum and tabla. They are nomadic race they live together and make temporary home for their living. Actually they collect wild fruit and honey for their living. They also eat all kinds of fourthly animal. They give priority to leadership and they also abide the leader of their society. Hunting is the main part of their living. They are so expert in hunting and they can take smell from large distance.
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Various dance and song is there most important properties.they are highly affected in superstition they don't do anything which approach don't like their God. According anthologist the pygmi civilization is the living patterns of human civilization's 1st step. The way of life and rituals of this nation is an example of millions of years ago human civilization. In the long run the nation have survived but nowadays they are the way of extinction. Interesting thing which country published the word of peach they are the main reason of pygmy’s extinction .
The company and business organization of Italy, Japan and Portuguese are cut the trees of Africa forest and make a adverse situation for pygmy. For this reason they lost their accommodation.
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Pygmy Dance_Pygmy hunting_ |
For the lack of proper accommodation their beach star and hunting have decrease day by day. The bowed their head in this crisis just because of survival.
Informativ and interestin... 😍😍