The Most Expensive Animal in the world|Fantastic Nature | Pangolin Exciting Information| Covid19| Animal



There was a fantastic animal in our world which name is pangolin. This is the last animals of the world it’s a mammals but it has no teeth. For making medicine this animals have so demand.

Now we will know about this fantastic animal. While this is a mammals animal but it has no teeth but it has a long tongue. With this long tongue take their food. In their food list there have small insect and most of them are ants and very small insect.
But this animals skin is so different like cotton fish it has beautiful ash to protect them but this ash is so much costly in   blackmarket . For example we can say 100 gram is equals to$700.
Actually this  fantastic animals are live in Asia and Africa. In our world there have 7 species of pangolin, in Asia there have 4 species of pangolin on the other hand in Bangladesh there have 3 specis they are desibonrui, Chinabonrui, and Maloybonrui.

In South Vietnam pangolin called Tete, and North Vietnam pangolin called truth. The name pangolin comes from the malay language penguiling.
This animal is so much able when it  becomes afraid then it change their geography then it Became round. In China and Vietnam made traditional medicine with this animal.
Most of the man  believe that pangolin medicine is the appropriate for cancer and infertility while it has no medical evidence. It is a scam but in Vietnam use this method in their hospital. This animal ashes are made by karyotin. The best example of karyotin are  our nail and hair .A adult pangolin have 70 ashes  in his body.

Vietnam and Nigeria is the best smuggling centre to smuggling pangolin.
In this animal's body contain two kinds of corona virus which is very familiar with covid-19. They also had a very bad news when you read this article then a pangolin has remove from world because every 5 minutes a pangolin has caught by smuggler.


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